Horizontal concatenating table with matrix/array in loop

17 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Yasir am 31 Mai 2023
Bearbeitet: Seth Furman am 5 Jun. 2023
Hi All,
I am running a loop and from each iteration in the loop, I am saving a couple of datasets separately. Essentially, these datasets are either a table (contain values and strings) or matrix/array. In case if there was no dataset, I synthetically created a zeros matrix. At the end of the loop, I want a table or matrix (I don't mind) where all values from each iteration of the loop are horizontally concatenated in their respective matrices/tables.
Is there any way to concatenating table with matrix or other way around and get the output at the end of the loop? Thank you in advance.
Below is my poorly written code:
RD = []; RD_AV = []; RD_FV_TL = []; RD_LV_CL = []; RD_LV_TL = [];
P = 'F:\Data folders\Waymo_LC_Data\New_data_29-3-23\LCdata_correct_longitudinal\LCdata_correct_longitudinal';
S = dir(fullfile(P,'*.csv'));
d = table();
fileNames = dir('*.csv');
for i = 1:numel(S)
F = fullfile(P,S(i).name);
d = readtable(F);
v_id = unique(d.VehID(d.vehtype=="av",:));
dat = LCstartendDuration([LCstartendDuration.veh_id(:)==v_id],:);
d_AV = d(d.vehtype=="av",:); d_FV_TL = d(d.vehtype=="tgtFollower",:);
d_LV_TL = d(d.vehtype=="tgtLeader",:); d_LV_CL = d(d.vehtype=="OrgLeader",:);
d_AV = d_AV(1:dat.start_centre,:);
d_AV.acc = (gradient(d_AV.speed))./0.1;
d_AV.dec = zeros(height(d_AV),1); d_AV.dec (end) = 1;
no = height(d_AV); rows = sort([no:-20:1, 1]); d_AV = d_AV(rows,:);
if isempty (d_FV_TL)
d_FV_TL = zeros(size(d_AV));
d_FV_TL = d_FV_TL(1:dat.start_centre,:);
d_FV_TL.acc = (gradient(d_FV_TL.speed))./0.1;
d_FV_TL = d_FV_TL(rows,:);
if isempty (d_LV_TL)
d_LV_TL = zeros(size(d_AV));
d_LV_TL = d_LV_TL(1:dat.start_centre,:);
d_LV_TL.acc = (gradient(d_LV_TL.speed))./0.1;
d_LV_TL = d_LV_TL(rows,:);
if isempty (d_LV_CL)
d_LV_CL = zeros(size(d_AV));
d_LV_CL = d_LV_CL(1:dat.start_centre,:);
d_LV_CL.acc = (gradient(d_LV_CL.speed))./0.1;
d_LV_CL = d_LV_CL(rows,:);
RD_AV = [RD_AV; d_AV]; RD_FV_TL = [RD_FV_TL; d_FV_TL];

Akzeptierte Antwort

Animesh am 2 Jun. 2023
Hey @Yasir
You can use horzcat function which concatenates arrays and tables together.
You can do something like this:
for i = 1:numel(S)
% your code to read data and process it
% concatenate the processed data to the existing matrices/tables
RD_AV = horzcat(RD_AV, d_AV);
RD_FV_TL = horzcat(RD_FV_TL, d_FV_TL);
RD_LV_CL = horzcat(RD_LV_CL, d_LV_CL);
RD_LV_TL = horzcat(RD_LV_TL, d_LV_TL);
% you can now use RD_AV, RD_FV_TL, RD_LV_CL, RD_LV_TL as concatenated matrices/tables
You may refer to the following documentation for more information:

Weitere Antworten (1)

Seth Furman
Seth Furman am 5 Jun. 2023
Bearbeitet: Seth Furman am 5 Jun. 2023
Sounds like you might want to use a tall table.
% Make some fake data in multiple *.csv files inside a folder named
% "my_files"
for i = 1:3
t = array2table(rand(2))
writetable(t, fullfile("my_files", i + ".csv"));
t = 2×2 table
Var1 Var2 _______ _______ 0.32173 0.70811 0.30252 0.836
t = 2×2 table
Var1 Var2 _______ _______ 0.55296 0.68461 0.70207 0.43517
t = 2×2 table
Var1 Var2 _______ _______ 0.52096 0.59888 0.2055 0.3628
. .. 1.csv 2.csv 3.csv
% Create a tall table from the "my_files" folder
Starting parallel pool (parpool) using the 'Threads' profile ... Connected to parallel pool with 2 workers.
tallTbl = tall(datastore("my_files"))
tallTbl = 6×2 tall table Var1 Var2 _______ _______ 0.32173 0.70811 0.30252 0.836 0.55296 0.68461 0.70207 0.43517 0.52096 0.59888 0.2055 0.3628


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