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Click in the beginning and end of pure tone

7 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Dominik Deml
Dominik Deml am 15 Mai 2023
Kommentiert: Les Beckham am 21 Mai 2023
I am wondering why there is a kind of clicking sound in the beginning
but especially in the end of a pure tone.
What I am doing:
spl_rms = 60;
spl_p0 = 20e-6;
spl_max = spl_p0 * 10^(60/20) * sqrt(2);
fs = 20000;
fsig = 1000;
n = 0:1*fs - 1;
t = n/fs;
sig = spl_max*sin(2*pi*fsig*t);
sound(sig, fs);
What is the reason for this clicking sound in the end?
What can I do against it, so how can I modify `sig` to improve this?
  2 Kommentare
Rik am 15 Mai 2023
I don't see any reason why that would be the case. Are you sure the problem is in Matlab and not your audio device?
You could try to add a low amplitude signal (essentially 0) at the end of sig, to see whether the click is at the end of any sound() call, or whether is is in your signal.
Dominik Deml
Dominik Deml am 18 Mai 2023
Sorry, my fault. It is not because of Matlab, it is because of my audio device BUT I want to use Matlab to fix this problem.

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Akzeptierte Antwort

Les Beckham
Les Beckham am 15 Mai 2023
Bearbeitet: Les Beckham am 15 Mai 2023
Try adding ramps at the beginning and end to avoid the discontinuities of starting and stopping the tone.
spl_rms = 60;
spl_p0 = 20e-6;
spl_max = spl_p0 * 10^(60/20) * sqrt(2);
fs = 20000;
fsig = 1000;
n = 0:1*fs - 1;
t = n/fs;
sig = spl_max*sin(2*pi*fsig*t);
ramp = linspace(0, 1, 200);
sig(1:200) = sig(1:200) .* ramp;
sig(end-199:end) = sig(end-199:end) .* flip(ramp);
tiledlayout('Horizontal', 'TileSpacing', 'compact')
xlim([1 500])
grid on
xlim([19500 20000])
grid on
% sound(sig, fs);
  4 Kommentare
Dominik Deml
Dominik Deml am 19 Mai 2023
Wow, thank you so much!
Les Beckham
Les Beckham am 21 Mai 2023
You are quite welcome.

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