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How to sum particular values on the y axis

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
Dan Lecoutre
Dan Lecoutre am 3 Mai 2023
Kommentiert: Dan Lecoutre am 3 Mai 2023
I wish to sum the y axis values for the frequencies between 300Hz to 1000Hz, how do I do this?

Antworten (1)

Torsten am 3 Mai 2023
Verschoben: Torsten am 3 Mai 2023
X = 0:1300;
Y = rand(size(X))
Y = 1×1301
0.5067 0.8325 0.5811 0.4961 0.8288 0.9811 0.1431 0.7304 0.9984 0.4814 0.9243 0.8970 0.6703 0.2280 0.5562 0.2614 0.9846 0.0387 0.7453 0.3483 0.9077 0.3178 0.5999 0.7899 0.3604 0.9220 0.2648 0.7657 0.1160 0.4923
s = sum(Y(X>=300 & X<=1000))
s = 355.7618
  7 Kommentare
Torsten am 3 Mai 2023
Bearbeitet: Torsten am 3 Mai 2023
I wish to sum the value of each curve, I have used your code to do this. Does the code now look fine to sum over these ten curves?
Yes, if by "summing" you really mean "summing the Y-values". If you mean "integrate over the Frequency", you will have to multiply the result by "sampleFreq/burst_length". Or use "trapz".
Dan Lecoutre
Dan Lecoutre am 3 Mai 2023
No I just mean summing the Y values corresponding to the X values between 300Hz and 1000Hz but it seems that I have done that now.
Thanks Torsten

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