How to change HH:mm:ss:SSS to HH:mm:ss.SSS for a column?

45 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Lucas am 20 Apr. 2023
Bearbeitet: Stephen23 am 21 Apr. 2023
Hi, I'm collecting a data .txt file with multiple columns. One column is time but the issue is that the software I use exports the time data as HH:mm:ss:SSS (Note the last semicolon should be a period) and theres around 70,000 data points. I'm using readtable to create graphs. My question is: How to convert each data point of time in the column from HH:mm:ss:SSS to HH:mm:ss.SSS? Thank you for your help and insight.
  2 Kommentare
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 20 Apr. 2023
Could you confirm that the data is currently read in as cell array of character vectors stored in the table?
Lucas am 21 Apr. 2023
The data is read using the readtable function.

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Akzeptierte Antwort

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 21 Apr. 2023
Verschoben: Walter Roberson am 21 Apr. 2023
time = {'01:18:34:754'; '13:04:19:999'}
time = 2×1 cell array
{'01:18:34:754'} {'13:04:19:999'}
converted = duration(string(datetime(time, 'InputFormat', 'HH:mm:ss:SSS', 'Format', 'HH:mm:ss.SSS')), 'format', 'hh:mm:ss.SSS')
converted = 2×1 duration array
01:18:34.754 13:04:19.999
  2 Kommentare
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 21 Apr. 2023
Unfortunately, duration() will only accept a small number of InputFormat, so the conversion cannot be direct.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 21 Apr. 2023
time = {'01:18:34:754'; '13:04:19:999'}
time = 2×1 cell array
{'01:18:34:754'} {'13:04:19:999'}
temp = char(time);
temp(:,end-3) = '.';
converted = duration(cellstr(temp), 'Format', 'hh:mm:ss.SSS')
converted = 2×1 duration array
01:18:34.754 13:04:19.999

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Weitere Antworten (2)

chicken vector
chicken vector am 20 Apr. 2023
Bearbeitet: chicken vector am 20 Apr. 2023
if the time format is imported from the .txt as a string, you can do the following using a for loop for every element:
time = '01:18:34:754';
semicolons = strfind(time, ':');
time(semicolons(end)) = '.'
time =
To speed things up, since the format is standardsed, you can also do directly:
time(9) = '.';
Otherwise you need to specify what format are you working with.
Also I suggest you to have a look at duration which you may find helpful.
  2 Kommentare
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 21 Apr. 2023
This needs a bit of modification for entries coming from a table, as those would either be a cell array of character vectors (more likely) or a string array (only if specifically configured for.)
chicken vector
chicken vector am 21 Apr. 2023
Bearbeitet: chicken vector am 21 Apr. 2023
You are right, I was trying not to speculate too much given the little information provided, but assuming a cell array is definetly the right choice.

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Stephen23 am 21 Apr. 2023
Bearbeitet: Stephen23 am 21 Apr. 2023
time = {'01:18:34:754'; '13:04:19:999'};
data = rand(2,1);
T = table(time,data)
T = 2×2 table
time data ________________ _______ {'01:18:34:754'} 0.73654 {'13:04:19:999'} 0.68067
tmp = regexprep(T.time,':(?=\d{3})','.');
T.time = duration(tmp, 'Format','hh:mm:ss.SSS')
T = 2×2 table
time data ____________ _______ 01:18:34.754 0.73654 13:04:19.999 0.68067


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