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Interpolating Arrays to be Same Size

23 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Andrew am 18 Apr. 2023
Beantwortet: Matt J am 18 Apr. 2023
I've got two arrays that will change size depending on the dataset that I'm feeding into my script. For the purposes of this question, let's say I have iP_Axial setup as a double format array having size 230174x1, and dP_Axial setup as a double format array having size 59503x1. For comparison between the two arrays later in my script, I need both arrays to be the same size.
I believe I need to interpolate the dP_Axial array to force it to the same size as iP_Axial, but I can't wrap my head around the best way to do so. Can I ask for tips and guidance on doing this?

Antworten (1)

Matt J
Matt J am 18 Apr. 2023


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