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How to use the calibrated stereo camera calibration Object "stereoParams" in simulink.

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Hi have a stereo camera calibration file that I have developed by recording a simulation from simulink, then used screen shots from the video in the stereo calibrator app. I am then passing recorded video from the simulation through a script I have written for object detection then depth estimation which I have proven works fine.
I now want to use the script within the simulink simulation enviroment to use it for vehicle navigation, it appears simulink does not accept the "stereoParams" object when referencing it from a MATLAB Function block. I have ensured all variables are part of the model workspace.
Anyone know how to use the stereo camera paramters within Simulink and more specifically use my custom object detection and depth estimation script on the live simulation?

Antworten (1)

Himanshu am 28 Apr. 2023
I understand that you want to use stereo camera parameters and your custom object detection and depth estimation script within the Simulink environment.
You can follow the below steps:
  1. Extract individual variables from the "stereoParams" object in MATLAB.
  2. Create a MATLAB Function block in Simulink, where you will implement your custom script. Define input and output ports for the block, including camera parameters, rotation, translation, video frames, and your results.
  3. Modify your custom script to work with the input and output ports you defined in the MATLAB Function block, replacing the "stereoParams" object with the extracted variables.
  4. Connect the appropriate inputs and outputs to the MATLAB Function block in your Simulink model and run the simulation.
You can refer to the below documentation to understand more about "stereoParameters" object and "S-Function" in MATLAB.

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