error when using command "quiver"
2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
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Augusto Gabriel da Costa Pereira
am 30 Mär. 2023
Beantwortet: Augusto Gabriel da Costa Pereira
am 7 Apr. 2023
trying to plot zonal and meridional wind data via the "quiver" command and I get the following error:
Error when using quiver (line 58) The size of X must match the size of U or the number of columns of U.
The data I used is attached (.mat) on google drive, it has 90mb, so I didn't put it here. follow the link:
Anyone a solution??
% load 'dat_era5_201007.mat'
t1 = datetime(2007,07,1,0,0,0); % 01/jul/2007 as 00h
t2 = datetime(2007,07,31,23,0,0); % 31/jul/2007 as 23h
t = t1:hours(1):t2; % sera gerado datas no intervalo de t1 a t2
cd 'H:\DADOS_SCi-MSc\DadosEra5PreComp'
data1 = load('dat_era5_201007.mat', 'u10');
data3 = load('dat_era5_201007.mat', 'v10');
load('dat_era5_201007.mat', 'lon');
load('dat_era5_201007.mat', 'lat');
[x, y]=meshgrid(lon(:,1),lat(:,1));
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Cris LaPierre
am 30 Mär. 2023
Bearbeitet: Cris LaPierre
am 30 Mär. 2023
You have created x and y so that they are 53x57 arrays, but u10mean and v10mean are 57x53. As the error message says, they must be the match.
Try this instead.
[x, y]=meshgrid(lat(:,1),lon(:,1));
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