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Why using imagesc and plotResponse to plot range-doppler map give different magnitude level?

3 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
I am using the phased.RangeDopplerResponse and the dechirped signal xr_con to generate the range-doppler response. The code is given below. With the same xr_con here, why the imagesc and plotResponse give different maximum magnitude output?
For imagesc, the maximum magnitude is 46.1634 but the plotResponse gives 56.1634, where there is exactly a 10 dB difference here.
As far as I know, for default of plotResponse, the magnitude is in 'dB' as well.
I checked that, for magnitude, both plots are the same. However, for dB plot, somehow, they are different.
rngdopresp = phased.RangeDopplerResponse('PropagationSpeed',c,...
% clf;
[resp,rng_grid,dop_grid] = rngdopresp(xr_con);
xlabel('Speed (m/s)');
ylabel('Range (m)');
title('Range-Doppler Map');
plotResponse(rngdopresp,xr_con); % Plot range Doppler map
axis([-v_max v_max 0 d_max])
clim1 = caxis;

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