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How can i call function without any output arguments?

16 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Emir Dönmez
Emir Dönmez am 27 Feb. 2023
Kommentiert: Cris LaPierre am 27 Feb. 2023
On my project my code is working. After that i tried to add a funciton on my code. As you can see down below i put my codes in a funciton & called it "plotter" without any output arguments.
function plotter(files, dir_path)
Exceldir = dir_path + "\ExcelFiles";
cd(Exceldir); % Change current directory to the where excel files restored in.
for i=1:length(files)
% Get sheet names being in the excel file.
sheets = sheetnames(files(i).name); % Sheets array.
% Get whole datas inside the excel files month by month.
for j=1:length(sheets)
data = readtable(files(i).name, "Sheet", sheets(j));
days = 1:1:size(data.Date); % Days array.
hold on;
plot(data.number_sold, days, "b.", "LineWidth", 2) % xAxis = sold_number
% yAxis = days
hold off;
% Call function "plotter"
xlsx_files = dir("*.xlsx");
Maindir = "C:\Users\emird\AppData\Local\Programs\df_2_db";
plotter(xlsx_files, Maindir)
When i call my funciton i get an error.
How can solve this problem and run my code?
  7 Kommentare
Stephen23 am 27 Feb. 2023
Bearbeitet: Stephen23 am 27 Feb. 2023
"When i run my code it changes current directory to where the excel files stored in(gets in the ExcelFiles directory)."
Which is one of the reasons why it is a bad idea to change directory just to access data files: your code changes the function scope.... and then functions don't work, because you have changed the function scope. Best avoided.
The recommended approach is to use absolute/relative filenames to access data files. All MATLAB functions that access data files accept absolute/relative filenames. You should use absolute/relative filenames. You will find FULLFILE useful for this.
Emir Dönmez
Emir Dönmez am 27 Feb. 2023
Okey thank you very much.

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Antworten (1)

Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre am 27 Feb. 2023
Bearbeitet: Cris LaPierre am 27 Feb. 2023
Based on the code you have shared, you likely need to change the order of your script. Functions must be defined at the bottom of the script.
% Call function "plotter"
xlsx_files = dir("*.xlsx");
Maindir = "C:\Users\emird\AppData\Local\Programs\df_2_db";
plotter(xlsx_files, Maindir)
function plotter(files, dir_path)
Exceldir = dir_path + "\ExcelFiles";
cd(Exceldir); % Change current directory to the where excel files restored in.
for i=1:length(files)
% Get sheet names being in the excel file.
sheets = sheetnames(files(i).name); % Sheets array.
% Get whole datas inside the excel files month by month.
for j=1:length(sheets)
data = readtable(files(i).name, "Sheet", sheets(j));
days = 1:1:size(data.Date); % Days array.
hold on;
plot(data.number_sold, days, "b.", "LineWidth", 2) % xAxis = sold_number
% yAxis = days
hold off;
  8 Kommentare
Emir Dönmez
Emir Dönmez am 27 Feb. 2023
okey i get it. Thank you for everything.
Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre am 27 Feb. 2023
+1 to Stephen23's comment.

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