How to find a list of dates from a timetable?
16 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
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Ashfaq Ahmed
am 15 Feb. 2023
Beantwortet: Seth Furman
am 14 Mär. 2023
I have a long timetable (Date_Captured.mat, attched) that contains 28805 different dates.
I want to find out specific 764 dates (Date_to_find.mat, attched) from the timetable.
Can anyone please tell me how can I do that?
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Akzeptierte Antwort
Star Strider
am 15 Feb. 2023
Try this —
LD1 = load(websave('Date_Captured',''));
Date_Captured = LD1.Date_Captured
LD2 = load(websave('Date_to_find',''));
Date_to_find = LD2.Date_to_find
[yc,mc,dc] = ymd(Date_Captured.TimeSeries);
[yf,mf,df] = ymd(Date_to_find.Time);
Lv = ismember([yc,mc,dc],[yf,mf,df],'rows');
Hits = nnz(Lv)
Result = Date_Captured(Lv,:)
2 Kommentare
Weitere Antworten (2)
Sulaymon Eshkabilov
am 15 Feb. 2023
An alternative solution:
D1 = load('Date_Captured.mat').Date_Captured;
D2 = load('Date_to_find.mat').Date_to_find;
D2_Date = datetime(D2.Time, 'Format','dd-MMM-uuuu');
DIF_DATES = intersect(D1.TimeSeries, D2_Date);
DALL = D1.TimeSeries(DIF_DATES) % All selected dates
DS_DATA = D1(DIF_DATES, :) % All selected data w.r.t the selected dates
numel(DS_DATA(:,1)) % Number of selected data points/pairs
Seth Furman
am 14 Mär. 2023
You can index into a timetable more concisely by simply passing the target row-times as row indices.
Load data
Shift all row-times to the start of the current date
(This step is unnecessary if you already know that your datetimes have zeroes for hours, minutes, seconds, etc.)
Date_Captured.Properties.RowTimes = dateshift(Date_Captured.Properties.RowTimes,"start","day","current");
Date_to_find.Properties.RowTimes = dateshift(Date_to_find.Properties.RowTimes,"start","day","current");
Index the timetable by the target row-times
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