The following error was reported evaluating the function in FunctionLine update: Unable to convert expression containing remaining symbolic function calls into double array. Argument must be expression that evaluates to number.
The problem appears to be the term. That is nonlinear in s and that is a problem for inverting Laplace transforms. (The function can be dealt with by setting it equal to 1.)
f1 is a symfun, so you could use fplot, or you could evaluate it at bunch of points and convert to double and the use plot, as shown below.
However, in this case ilaplace was not able to find a closed-form expression for f1, so neither approach will work. Are you sure the sqrt(1/s) is what's intended.
Also, f1(t) contains a dirac delta function. So even if f1 was in closed form otherwise, be careful using fplot because it ignores dirac delta functions, and evaluationg numerically can be tricky as well.
Error using symengine Unable to convert expression containing remaining symbolic function calls into double array. Argument must be expression that evaluates to number.
Error in sym/double (line 872) Xstr = mupadmex('symobj::double', S.s, 0);
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