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Hi. How I can write this matrix formula with Matlab code?

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
Aynur Resulzade
Aynur Resulzade am 22 Jan. 2023
Geschlossen: Rik am 23 Jan. 2023
Hi. How I can write this matrix formula with Matlab code?
  3 Kommentare
Aynur Resulzade
Aynur Resulzade am 23 Jan. 2023
Bearbeitet: Aynur Resulzade am 23 Jan. 2023
in here answer is fi is 1x1 matris but in i want to find this program for fi is 2x2 matris
Rik am 23 Jan. 2023
Then you should post that in a comment and unaccept the answer instead of opening a new thread.

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