Hi, I have been trying to work cooperatively with some colleagues on creating Test harnesses tests. We create a test harness with some tests and add them to a Test Manager file (.mldatx) and it is with this Test Manager i have a question.
We are working with GIT and had a merge conflict in the test manager (we had both made changes to the file, so I halfway expected there to be trouble).
But my question is:
Is there a way to resolve merge conflicts in the Test Manager file in Matlab when working with GIT? and if there is no way what is a better way to work on tests cooperatively through GIT ? (Scripting the testmanager generation?)
I found that the internal Matlab diff and merge tools could only gave a binary comparison, when used in the same way as with a normal model file (.slx) and the merge tools I have for my other GIT work are not better.
For this instance the changes were not greater than that i could hand code them back, but it is tedious work with high risk of introducing bugs, so I would very much like to avoid it if possible.