How to create a simple fully connected neural network with multiple outputs?

11 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
I need to create a fully connected neural network that can have multiple otputs.
I see RegressionNeuralNetwork is a very good solution for me, but its output size can only be 1.
Please refer me to an example.

Antworten (1)

Ashu am 30 Nov. 2022
Hey Mahmoud,
To train a network with multiple outputs, you must train the network using a custom training loop.
Example on Training and Inferencing Multiple Output Neural Network :
To understand more about Multiple Input and Output Neural Networks :
  2 Kommentare
Mahmoud Elzouka
Mahmoud Elzouka am 30 Nov. 2022
Thanks @Ashu for your answer.
I would like to "create" the NN from known parameters (i.e., biases and weights). Would you please share an example?
Ashu am 13 Dez. 2022
Bearbeitet: Ashu am 14 Dez. 2022
Hey Mahmood,
To set the weights and biases, you can use 'setwb'.
Here is a small example of creating a network with multiple outputs :
x = randn(18,141); % input data
t = randn(18,141); % ground truth label
net = feedforwardnet([ 36 36 ]);
net = train(net,x,t);
Now to set the weights and biases -
net = setwb(net,rand(10,1));
To view the parameter values-
To know more about 'setwb' you can refer this -

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