How to save video from satelliteScenarioViewer?
37 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
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Mike Powers
am 13 Okt. 2022
Beantwortet: Saffan
am 14 Sep. 2023
Is there a way to save the video when using the satelliteScenarioViewer in the Satellite or Aerospace Comm Toolbox?
I can play it fine on my workstation but I'd like to present some animated results in a slide presentation.
3 Kommentare
Brian LaRocca
am 8 Sep. 2023
I would like the same functionality. But I am getting the same results as Mike. I tried using a for loop, e.g. for n = 1:10 ... end to get around that and just see some saved results. However, that does not work since the satellitescenario object does not have a "step" method.
Akzeptierte Antwort
am 14 Sep. 2023
Hi Mike,
Currently, there is no direct way to save a video from “satelliteScenarioViewer”, but there is a workaround using the “VideoWriter” class to combine each frame into a video. We can utilize the “screencapture” method from the File Exchange to obtain the required frames. Here is an example code snippet:
% Create a Scenario and a Viewer
sc = satelliteScenario(startTime,stopTime,sampleTime);
viewer = satelliteScenarioViewer(sc);
% Specify the name of the video file
videoFile = 'scenario_video.mp4';
% Create a VideoWriter object
videoWriter = VideoWriter(videoFile, 'MPEG-4');
% Set the frame rate of the video
videoWriter.FrameRate = 30;
% Open the video writer
h=findall(0, 'Type', 'figure', 'Name', 'Satellite Scenario Viewer');
for time=startTime:minutes(1):stopTime
% Get the current frame as an image
frameImage = imread('tempImg.png');
% Write the frame to the video file
writeVideo(videoWriter, frameImage);
% Advance to the next frame
You can choose the required playback speed of the simulation by setting the appropriate increment time in the ‘for’ loop.
Here is the link to “screencapture” method in File Exchange:
Please refer to the following documentation for more information on “VideoWriter” class:
Hope this helps!
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