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Compact way to plot data with relative colors and legend

3 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Sim am 12 Okt. 2022
Kommentiert: Sim am 12 Okt. 2022
Is there any way to plot data with relative colors and legend in a more compact way than this one ?
Note: to remove duplicates in the legend I have used the legendUnq function.
% Input
a = {'marathon', 1, 4;
'bank holiday', 3, 6;
'bank holiday', 2, 1;
'concert', 0, 4;
'regatta', 1, 9;
'regatta', 4, 5;
'regatta', 1, 0;
'local fair', 6, 3}
% Non-compact output (and plot)
number_of_colors = length(unique(a(:,1)));
colors = jet(number_of_colors);
[~,~,idx] = unique(a(:,1));
hold on
for i = 1 : length(a)

Akzeptierte Antwort

Davide Masiello
Davide Masiello am 12 Okt. 2022
Bearbeitet: Davide Masiello am 12 Okt. 2022
a = {'marathon', 1, 4;
'bank holiday', 3, 6;
'bank holiday', 2, 1;
'concert', 0, 4;
'regatta', 1, 9;
'regatta', 4, 5;
'regatta', 1, 0;
'local fair', 6, 3};
[u,v,z] = unique(a(:,1));
clrs = jet(length(u));

Weitere Antworten (1)

Chunru am 12 Okt. 2022
% Input
a = {'marathon', 1, 4;
'bank holiday', 3, 6;
'bank holiday', 2, 1;
'concert', 0, 4;
'regatta', 1, 9;
'regatta', 4, 5;
'regatta', 1, 0;
'local fair', 6, 3};
a = cell2table(a);
a.a1 = categorical(string(a.a1))
a = 8×3 table
a1 a2 a3 ____________ __ __ marathon 1 4 bank holiday 3 6 bank holiday 2 1 concert 0 4 regatta 1 9 regatta 4 5 regatta 1 0 local fair 6 3
% Non-compact output (and plot)
s = scatter(a,'a2','a3','filled','ColorVariable','a1');
g = categories(a.a1);
h = colorbar;
h.YTick = [1:length(g)]; h.YTickLabel = g;

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