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How to interpolate gridded data for contourf?

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Chua Wei Yi
Chua Wei Yi am 9 Okt. 2022
Beantwortet: Chunru am 9 Okt. 2022
Hi all,
I am trying to generate a contourf image. I have a gridded data with x y z in a table. However I have a bunch of NaNs which results in considerable amount of gap in my contourf image. How can I interpolate the data bilinearly such that the adjacent known z numbers are linearly interpolated all the way through the NaNs. Below is my code for reference. And some pictures of my data and image plotted.
data = CirManualDia15H19V0S2;
y = data(2:end,1);
x = data(1,2:end);
Data = data(2:end,2:end);
Y = table2array(y);
X = table2array(x);
Data = table2array(Data);
set(gca, 'YDir','reverse');
set(gca, 'XDir','reverse')

Antworten (1)

Chunru am 9 Okt. 2022
doc fillmissing


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