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Changing the shell for system commands to mingw-w64

48 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Runpu am 3 Okt. 2022
Beantwortet: Jeremy Hughes am 29 Apr. 2024
Hi community,
I've been trying to use 'system' commands in MATLAB to execute operating system command (from MRtrix3 to be specific). However, to do so I need to change the shell from default to mingw-w64 for my windows laptop, which I've been struggling to do. While I've tryied things like:
setenv MATLAB_SHELL C:\msys2\mingw64.exe
inside my script before calling system comamnds, it doesn't actually work.
I wonder what can I do about this / what i did wrong.
Many thanks in advance
  4 Kommentare
dpb am 3 Okt. 2022
Is that documented anywhere, Walter? And what makes them special?
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 4 Okt. 2022
Bottom of the system() page discusses MATLAB_SHELL and SHELL environment variables in the Unix section.

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Antworten (2)

Shivam am 24 Jun. 2023
Hi, you can override an environment variable in the system command by modifying the command string. In your case, you want to set the MATLAB_SHELL variable to the path of the MinGW-w64 shell before executing your command.
Here's an example of how you can modify your system command to set the MATLAB_SHELL variable:
myPath = 'C:\msys2\mingw64.exe'; % Path to the MinGW-w64 shell
dosCommand = 'pacman -Su'; % For example
system(['set MATLAB_SHELL=' myPath ' && ' dosCommand])
  1 Kommentar
Jeremy Hughes
Jeremy Hughes am 29 Apr. 2024
MATLAB_SHELL only has an effect on unix platforms. Windows only supports CMD

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Jeremy Hughes
Jeremy Hughes am 29 Apr. 2024
On Windows, the only way to do this is to launch the desired shell with the command as an argument.
I couldn't (quickly) find the argumnents for mingw64 how to do this, but for powershell this would look like:
dosCommand = "dir"; % Dos Command needs to be escaped correctly to pass quotes if needed.
wrappedCommand = sprintf('powershell --command "%s"',dosCommand)
wrappedCommand = 'powershell --command "dir"'

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