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How do I zoom in on a certain section of a magnitude bode plot

4 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
matthew henderson
matthew henderson am 28 Sep. 2022
Kommentiert: KSSV am 28 Sep. 2022
I have used the bode(g),grid function to plot a magnitude and phase plot from my transfer function, I now wish to zoom in on a specific section of the magnitude plot. Is this possile and if so how do I go about doing it?
Here is my code:
num = [1];
den = [1 0.04946 3.00316 0.0989847 3.00322 0.0494631 1.00006];
g=tf(num, den)
Here is an image of my plot< i would like to zoom in of the peak of the magnitude plot of my bandpass filters transfer function.
  2 Kommentare
KSSV am 28 Sep. 2022
Use axis with your required limits.
KSSV am 28 Sep. 2022
num = [1];
den = [1 0.04946 3.00316 0.0989847 3.00322 0.0494631 1.00006];
g=tf(num, den)
g = 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- s^6 + 0.04946 s^5 + 3.003 s^4 + 0.09898 s^3 + 3.003 s^2 + 0.04946 s + 1 Continuous-time transfer function.
xlim([0.8 1.2])

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Chunru am 28 Sep. 2022
num = [1];
den = [1 0.04946 3.00316 0.0989847 3.00322 0.0494631 1.00006];
g=tf(num, den)
g = 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- s^6 + 0.04946 s^5 + 3.003 s^4 + 0.09898 s^3 + 3.003 s^2 + 0.04946 s + 1 Continuous-time transfer function.
grid on
ax = findobj(gcf, "Type", "Axes");
set(ax, "XLim", [0.8 1.2])




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