Adding A Covariant to a 2-Way Repeated Measures ANOVA

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
SeanC am 24 Feb. 2015
Bearbeitet: SeanC am 24 Feb. 2015
Hi all,
I have a 2-way repeated measures ANOVA for the following data:
1) There are 2 conditions (data for each condition is within a column) 2) There are 4 time points within each condition (data for each is a row within the matrix) 3) I have 14 repeated measures
I.e. The data is arranged as follows:
Condition 1 Observation Condition 2 Observations
Subject One Time1 Subject One Time1
Subject Two Time1 Subject Two Time1
.... .. ..... ........ ....... .
Subject One Time 2 Subject One Time 2
etc. etc.
The code is as follows:
[p,Table,stats] = anova2(Data,reps);
I would like to add a co-variate term for each subject. However the term is the same for each condition and time point (just a single measure for each subject).
I would really appreciate some advice of how to code / model this data.

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