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I can't unistall MATLAB R2021b

6 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Pietro N
Pietro N am 2 Sep. 2022
Beantwortet: Cris LaPierre am 2 Sep. 2022
Good morning,
I am writing because I am having some problems uninstalling Matlab, below I explain what happened.
This morning I was installing an update. The PC then went into sleep mode; when the screen "turned on" again, an error appeared and the update was not installed. From this point on, I was no longer able to open the Matlab program or open any matlab files. So I tried to install Matlab, but I can't even do that; the error message that appears upon uninstallation is the following:
"Unistall error:
C: \ Program Files \ MATLAB \ R2021b \ help \ simulink \ helpsearch \ segments_1c (The specified file cannot be found) "
as also shown in the attached image.How can I solve?

Akzeptierte Antwort

Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre am 2 Sep. 2022

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