Split string in two strings
5 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
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I have the following string, now I want to splits it up in 2 different strings like show in below:
STR = ["van Donk","Gerritsen","kooijman","Verliefde","Floré","Pengel","aan de Wiel","van der Hoeven","Hop","Boer","van Ewijk"]
What i want to create is
STR1 = ["van","","","","","","aan de","van der","","","van"]
STR2 = ["Donk","Gerritsen","kooijman","Verliefde","Floré","Pengel","Wiel","Hoeven","Hop","Boer","Ewijk"]
Anyone who can help me?
2 Kommentare
Walter Roberson
am 10 Aug. 2022
Ummm... why? "van der Hoeven" is a complete surname. The surname is not "Hoeven" with "van der" being some kind of middle name. "van der Hoeven" should be sorted under v or V, not under H
am 10 Aug. 2022
"The surname is not "Hoeven" with "van der" being some kind of middle name."
The "van der" is not part of the main name, it is a tussenvoegsel:
which in Dutch is ignored when sorting, just like "von" and "zu" are ignored in German.
""van der Hoeven" should be sorted under v or V, not under H"
There are differing opinions on this:
So the required sort order depends mostly on where your users are from.
Antworten (1)
am 10 Aug. 2022
Bearbeitet: Stephen23
am 10 Aug. 2022
str = ["van Donk","Gerritsen","kooijman","Verliefde","Floré","Pengel","aan de Wiel","van der Hoeven","Hop","Boer","van Ewijk"]
tkn = regexp(str,'^(\w+\s+)*(\w+)$','tokens','once');
tkn = vertcat(tkn{:});
st1 = strtrim(tkn(:,1))
st2 = tkn(:,2)
3 Kommentare
Walter Roberson
am 10 Aug. 2022
What do you want to do if there are spaces after the last word?
am 10 Aug. 2022
str = ["van Donk","Gerritsen","kooijman","Verliefde","Floré","Pengel","aan de Wiel","van der Hoeven","Hop","Boer","van Ewijk","in 't veld"];
tkn = regexp(str,'^(.*?)\s*(\S+)$','tokens','once');
tkn = vertcat(tkn{:})
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