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Is it possible to use STM32's Low-Layer Library in Matlab/Simulink?

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Michael Arvin
Michael Arvin am 5 Jul. 2022
Beantwortet: Anurag Kurle am 5 Jul. 2022
Hi all,
I am trying to program and control a Reaction Wheel Inverted Pendulum with a STM32-L476RG board and a SimpleFOCShield using Simulink. But first, I wanted to see whether I can read the incoming encoder values in Simulink through the STM32-L476RG.
I wonder if it is possible to integrate STM32's Low-Layer Library to Matlab/Simulink (for example as a header file), because the available support package is not enough to do what I want. And I saw an S-function that was coded with Arduino's header file, which looked a bit similar to STM32's LL library. If it is possible, could you please tell me how?
Thank you very much.

Antworten (1)

Anurag Kurle
Anurag Kurle am 5 Jul. 2022
Hello Michael,
There exists a STM32 Microcontroller support under the third party product and services. This could be helpful.

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