Error while opening shared libraries in Matlab 2020b
36 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
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Hello everyone!
I have been doing some calculation in Matlab for the past few weeks on my normal workstation but now I am starting to use a Linux cluster in order to take advantage of a bigger number of processors (meaning that I am using the Parallel Computing Toolbox).
The code I wrote works fine on my Windows machine but when I try to run it on the Linux cluster I get the following error:
Error using integralCalc/iterateScalarValued (line 310)
BLAS loading error: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I tried reading some answers to similar problems but unfortunately I still haven't understood how to solve this issue (I don't know much about linux, I am just an electrical engineer, sorry).
The error reported above appears within a "parfor" cycle when I try to use the Matlab's function "integral3". I checked and it seems that the problem has nothing to do with the Parallelization because it appears also when repleacing the "parfor" with a simple "for". I did some other investigations and the same error appears even when trying other codes in which I use the "trapz" function or when I tryt to "Rotate 3D" a figure made using plot3.
Can anyone tell me what I should do about this ??
2 Kommentare
Edric Ellis
am 24 Jun. 2022
That file ("") should be installed as part of a standard MATLAB installation. It should be found in <matlab>/sys/os/glnxa64. The fact that it cannot be found suggests that you may need to reinstall MATLAB. I would suggest contacting MathWorks support for help with this.
Antworten (1)
am 29 Sep. 2023
Bearbeitet: Dinesh
am 29 Sep. 2023
Hi Gabriele,
I understand that you are trying to run your code in MATLAB which is installed in Linux and you are facing an error die to this. The file is installed as a part of standard MATLAB installation.
There can be multiple reasons for this error. Two major ones being
- Bad or incomplete file installation.
- You are not loading the appropriate module. (generally a conflict)
To identify bad or incomplete file installation please navigate to <matlab>/sys/os/glnx64 and open Linux terminal in that directory and type
The output of the command for this should be '044a12631073210ba5dc5e226d6744bd'.
If you are output is different or file is not found then you will have to reinstall MATLAB.
If the output is similar then the issue is probably with not being able to load the appropriate module. Please make sure there are no module load conflicts for this module.
Hope this helps.
Best Regards,
Dinesh Reddy Gatla.
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