how can I calculate movmean from 1 periode wave data?
1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
Ältere Kommentare anzeigen
christina widyaningtyas
am 14 Jun. 2022
Beantwortet: Peter Perkins
am 14 Jun. 2022
I have data :
x-axis is datetime - experiment time start (called as t=0)
y-axis is pressure
How to calculate the moving average of one periode wave data (example like this figure)?
X is time 00:21:00 to 00:22:58
Y is pressure 931 to 931
I use 2016b and sometimes 2020 Matlab version
I hope someone can help me, please
thank you

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Akzeptierte Antwort
Mathieu NOE
am 14 Jun. 2022
we can use the peaks to compute this value as well
you can use islocalmax (or islocalmin) to locate local peaks.
Some smoothing may help if yur data are a bit noisy or "hairy"

see demo below
% demo on dummy data
x = linspace(0,10,n)';
y = 931*(0.9+0.1*cos(x/10))+10*sin(3*x-1)+ 5*rand(n,1);
% some smoothing first
ys = smoothdata(y,'gaussian',25);
% find positive local maxima
[tf, P] = islocalmax(ys,'MinProminence',std(ys)/3);
x_peak = x(tf);
y_peak = ys(tf);
% compute average of pressure on cycle by cycle
for ci = 1:numel(x_peak)-1
ind = (x>=x_peak(ci) & x<x_peak(ci+1));
y_avg(ci) = mean(y(ind));
x_avg(ci) = (x_peak(ci) + x_peak(ci+1))/2; % time value (plot) = mid point between two x_peak values
legend('raw signal','filtered signal','peaks','averaged cycle value');
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Weitere Antworten (1)
Peter Perkins
am 14 Jun. 2022
In addition to what Mathieu suggests, there are similar things shown in these examples, especially the first one:
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