How to store sequence of images generated from MATLAB online in a Folder
3 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
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I have written a code to convert a numerical sequence into a image applying continuous wavelet transform 'scalogram'. I want to save the images into a folder either in cloud or in my computer drive. The following is my code
fb = cwtfilterbank('Signallength',length(x),'Wavelet', 'amor');
colormap = jet(128);
folderpath = fullfile ('E:\','SARS1');
cfs = abs(fb.wt(x));
im = ind2rgb(im2uint8(rescale(cfs)),colormap);
filename = strcat(folderpath,sprintf('%d.jpg',k));
imwrite(imresize(im, [512,512]),filename);
But the code giving me error as:
Error using imwrite
Unable to open file "E:\/SARS_11.jpg" for writing. You might not have write permission.
Is there any way to save it into a folder in online matlab drive my 'mkdir' command ? Otherwise how can I store it into my personal drive?
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Antworten (2)
yanqi liu
am 20 Mai 2022
yes,sir,may be check the folder,such as
fb = cwtfilterbank('Signallength',length(x),'Wavelet', 'amor');
colormap = jet(128);
folderpath = fullfile ('E:/','SARS1');
if ~exist(folderpath, 'dir')
cfs = abs(fb.wt(x));
im = ind2rgb(im2uint8(rescale(cfs)),colormap);
filename = fullfile(folderpath,sprintf('%d.jpg',k));
imwrite(imresize(im, [512,512]),filename);
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