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Invalid expression, check for mismatched delimiters. Trying to form a matrix using brackets.

4 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
I keep getting the error message: >> abc2sc
File: abc2sc.m Line: 21 Column: 28
Invalid expression. When calling a function or indexing a variable, use
parentheses. Otherwise, check for mismatched delimiters.
Here is my preliminary code.
function [symcomp] = abc2sc(fabc)
if rankfabc == 2
mag=fabc(:,1); ang=pi/180*fabc(:,2);
elseif rankfabc ==1
fprintf('\n Three phasors must be expressed in a one column array in rectangular complex form \n')
fprintf(' or in a two column array in polar form, with 1st column magnitude & 2nd column \n')
fprintf(' phase angle in degree. \n')
return, end
A = [1 1 1; 1 a^2 a; 1 a a^2];
symcomp= fa012;
%scpolar = [abs(fa012) 180/piangle(fa012)];
%fprintf(' \n Symmetrical components \n')
%fprintf(' Magnitude Angle Deg.\n')
fabc0=fa012(1) [ 1; 1; 1 ];
fabc1=fa012(2) [ 1; a^2; a ];
fabc2=fa012(3) [ 1; a; a^2 ];

Akzeptierte Antwort

Jan am 9 Mai 2022
Bearbeitet: Jan am 9 Mai 2022
What is the meaning of this line:
This treats "mag" as a struct and tries to interprete "cos(ang)+jsin(ang)" as field name. What is "jsin"? Maybe you mean:
fabcr = mag .* (cos(ang) + 1j * sin(ang));
The error appears in these lines, I guess (by the way, if you post the complete error message, the readers would see, which line is failing):
fabc0=fa012(1) [ 1; 1; 1 ];
fabc1=fa012(2) [ 1; a^2; a ];
fabc2=fa012(3) [ 1; a; a^2 ];
What is the purpose of these lines? Did you forget some * characters for a multiplication? The output fabc0/1/2 is not used anywhere, so whay not simply omitting these lines?
This looks suspicious also:
Did you really create a function called jsin()?
By the way, prefer the backslash operator instead of calling inv(). See: inv

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