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Is it possible to get MATLAB to automatically associate legend icon colors with the applicable data?

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
I’m attempting to hard code colors to data in a 2D plot using the following code;
% Clear out all variables from the Workspace and the Command Window
clear all;
% Variables for plotting
To_Time = 58560;
Time_Tag = [58568.4; 58571.8; 58573.4; 58574.4; 58577.4; 58579.8; 58582.4; 58584.1; 58587.6; 58589];
ID = [10; 2; 3; 4; 10; 6; 7; 2; 10; 2];
Measured_Data = [1.25; 2.31; 3.3; 4.9; 5.7; 6.7; 7.1; 8.6; 9.1; 10];
% Calculate TALO times for all IDs
TALO_Time = Time_Tag - To_Time;
% Preallocate
LegCol = cell(1, size(ID, 1));
color = cell(1, size(ID, 1));
% Setup cases for auto legend generation
for idx = 1:size(ID, 1)
switch ID(idx)
case 1
LegCol{idx} = 'Data-1';
color{idx} = [1 0 0]; % red
case 2
LegCol{idx} = 'Data-2';
color{idx} = [0 1 0]; % green
case 3
LegCol{idx} = 'Data-3';
color{idx} = [0 0 1]; % blue
case 4
LegCol{idx} = 'Data-4';
color{idx} = [1 0.55 0]; % orange
case 5
LegCol{idx} = 'Data-5';
color{idx} = [1 0 1]; % magenta
case 6
LegCol{idx} = 'Data-6';
color{idx} = [0 1 1]; % cyan
case 7
LegCol{idx} = 'Data-7';
color{idx} = [0 0 0]; % black
case 8
LegCol{idx} = 'Data-8';
color{idx} = [1 1 0]; % yellow
case 9
LegCol{idx} = 'Data-9';
color{idx} = [0.58 0 0.83]; % violet
case 10
LegCol{idx} = 'Data-10';
color{idx} = [0.72 0.53 0.04]; % gold
% Transpode LegCol and color data for legend use
Legend_Nomenclature = transpose(LegCol);
New_Colors = transpose(color);
% Setup the TALO Plot
h = plot(TALO_Time(idx), Measured_Data(idx), 'o', 'Color', New_Colors{idx}, 'MarkerSize', 14);
set(h, 'MarkerFaceColor', New_Colors{idx});
hold all;
AA = unique(Legend_Nomenclature);
hleg = legend(AA, 'Location', 'NortheastOutside');
The following plot is produced;
While the plotted data is correct, the corresponding legend icon colors are not. I’m getting;
Gold Data-10
Green Data-2
Blue Data-3
Orange Data-4
Gold Data-6 (should be cyan)
Cyan Data-7 (should be black)
Is there a way to automatically associate legend icon colors with the applicable data?
Thank you.

Akzeptierte Antwort

Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski am 23 Jan. 2015
Legend has the ability to pass in specific line objects to be legend-ized. Here, you throw away those lines in the for-loop. Instead, store them and legend-ize the applicable unique ones from AA:
% <snip>
% Store h(idx), set(h(idx),...
h(idx) = plot(TALO_Time(idx), Measured_Data(idx), 'o', 'Color', New_Colors{idx}, 'MarkerSize', 14);
set(h(idx), 'MarkerFaceColor', New_Colors{idx});
hold all;
%%Grab unique sources and legend
[AA,idxu] = unique(Legend_Nomenclature);
hleg = legend(h(idxu),AA, 'Location', 'NortheastOutside');

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