Above code was a modification based on some help in this forum. Below is my initial code. I would greatly appreciate if this can be fixed.
%% Author: Anand Rathnam
To determine the radius of the copper wire by fitting the CT
scan intensity data to the absorption intenisty decay model
Variable/Constants definitions
1. Imeas - Measured Intensity
2. y - size of the measured data. Imeas is a function y
3. k - wave number
4. bet_a - scattering coeff
5. R - Radius of the wire
6. Itheory - Predicted intensity
close all;
%% Loading and plotting the Measured data
load('Imeas.txt', 'Imeas') % Loading the intensity data
Imeas=double(Imeas); % updating the data type to double to faciliatte computation
I_size = numel(Imeas); % Finding the number of Imeas array elements
y = 0:I_size-1;
% Plotting the measured data
% set(gca,'XLim',[0,3.5]);
% set(gca,'XTick',x)
xlabel(' y');
ylabel('Imeas ( Measured Intensity');
%% Known values
bet_a = 7.30026262E-10;
k =( 2*pi)/0.00000008;
%Initiall guess
Ro = 0.000001; % 1 micrometer as the initial radius guess
%% Calling the functions
% 1. Calling the "Model prediction" function and plotting
Itheory = Ifunc(y,Ro,Imeas, bet_a, k, I_size);
hold on
% legend([h1,h2],{'Data','First Guess'},'Location','NorthWest');
% 2. Calling the "Error function" to calculate the SSE
err_sq = Ierr(Imeas,Itheory)
% 3. Finding the best fitting parameter
fun = @Itheory;
[best_R,best_Error] = fminsearch(fun,Ro)
%% 1: Function for the "Model prediction"
This function:
1. Contains the model that predicts the data
2. Takes the input arguments: initial guess, y, Imeas
3. returns an array of predicted data: Itheory
function Itheory = Ifunc(y,Ro,Imeas, bet_a, k, I_size)
% Itheory = Imeas.*exp(-2*bet_a*k*2*R.*(1- (y/R).^2));
for i=1:I_size
Itheory(i) = Imeas(i).*exp(-Ro*-2*bet_a*k*2*Ro*(1- (y(i)/Ro).^2));
%% 2. Error function
This function:
1. Calculates the difference between the data and the model's prediction
2. Calulates and returns sums of squared error (SSE)
3. The SSE calculated is between our model and the data for our first guess
function err_sq = Ierr(Imeas,Itheory)
% Itheory = Ifunc(y,Ro,Imeas);
err_sq = sum( (Itheory(:)-Imeas(:)).^2);