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How do I use ode45 for solving this problem and using the solutions as parameters for solving the next system?

5 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Dear Matlab-community, I got a problem solving some differential-equations-systems.
First I have to say, that I am a beginner in Matlab. I got a system consisting of 6 first order differential equations as a boundary value problem, but I can split them into 3 systems with initial conditions, so I should be able to solve it using ode45. I have to solve the first system and then for solving the second system I need one of the solutions from the first system as a parameter for each x to go on. First I have to solve this system:
(I): Q1’=kappa*Q2 (II): Q2’=-kappa*Q1 (III): -(Q2+dI*kappa)/(E*I)
The (initial)-conditions are: Q1(l)=F1; Q2(l)=F2; Kappa(l)= Ml3/(E*Il), using Il = (B*H^3)/12;
My Matlab code for the function is:
function dy = rigid(x,y)
E = 210000;
I = 3*x; %Funktion für I
dI = 3; %Ableitung dI von I nach dem Weg
dy = zeros(3,1); % a column vector
dy(1) = y(3)*y(2);
dy(2) = -y(3)*y(1);
dy(3) = (-y(2)+dI*y(3))/(E*I);
and my main program:
clear all
E = 210000; %N/mm²
Ml3 = 264; %Nmm
F1 = 10; %N
F2 = -15; %N
l = 25; %mm // Länge der Kontur
B = 5; %mm
H = 10; %mm
Il = (B*H^3)/12;
Randbedingung3 = Ml3/(E*Il);
options = odeset('RelTol',1e-4,'AbsTol',[1e-4 1e-4 1e-5]);
[X,Y] = ode45(@rigid,[0 l],[F1 F2 Randbedingung3],options);
I do not get any values for the solution. I think the problem is that my conditions are not like Q1(0)=…, Q2(0)=…, but at the end of the interval l. I have no idea how to solve this. It would be awesome if someone could pleas help me with this problem and with the following problem:
I need to get the values for y(1), y(2) and y(3) for each x between [0:l]. Then I need to use y(3)(x) which is kappa(x) for solving the next equation:
(i): theta’=kappa with the initial condition theta(x=0)=0 which is easy to solve by getting theta=kappa*x. But therefore I do not know how to get the values for kappa from the solution of the first system for each x.
It would be awesome if someone could please help me out here :-)
  17 Kommentare
Torsten am 22 Jan. 2015
Does it not work when you set
Best wishes
Stefan Henning
Stefan Henning am 22 Jan. 2015
Thank you! I did not understand the deval function, or how to use it. Now it works with your code and it gives the exact same results like the plot(sol.x,sol.y(1,:),...) So I guess it does not matter to define yb=L
Thanks a lot

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