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what is wrong with my calculation?

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
Xizeng Feng
Xizeng Feng am 4 Apr. 2022
Kommentiert: VBBV am 4 Apr. 2022
It hints the expresion was wrong when I solve the equations as follow:
>>syms rs xs rp xp
>> [xs,xp]=solve(rs*rp^2/(rs^2+(xs+xp)^2))==rp, xp*rs^2+xs^2*xp+xs*xp^2==0,[xs, xp])

Akzeptierte Antwort

VBBV am 4 Apr. 2022
syms rs xs rp xp
[xs,xp]=solve(rs*rp^2./(rs^2+(xs+xp)^2)==rp, xp*rs^2+xs^2*xp+xs*xp^2==0,[xs, xp])
xs = 
xp = 
  4 Kommentare
Xizeng Feng
Xizeng Feng am 4 Apr. 2022
Oh, I found it! thank you very much!
VBBV am 4 Apr. 2022
please accep the answer if it solved , thanks :)

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