I understand that you're encountering challenges with the updated Twitter API, particularly with its shift to OAuth 1.0 and the requirement to use a Bearer token for authentication.
Here's how you can adapt to these changes:
1. Custom Implementation for Twitter API:
- You can create a custom implementation to interact with the Twitter API. To pass the Bearer token in a web request, use the following MATLAB code:
headers = {'Authorization', ['Bearer ', yourBearerToken]};
options = weboptions('HeaderFields', headers);
response = webread(yourRequestURL, options);
- This code snippet sets up the necessary HTTP headers with your Bearer token and then performs the web request.
- You can automate the process of capturing the Bearer token by writing a MATLAB script that retrieves it at runtime.
2. Use Twitty Tool:
- Twitty is a third-party Twitter API client for MATLAB that simplifies the process of interfacing with the Twitter API.
- To get started with Twitty, follow these steps:
- Download Twitty from the MATLAB File Exchange or GitHub.
- Add the Twitty folder to your MATLAB path using the `addpath` function.
- Create a `credentials.json` file containing your Twitter API keys:
"ConsumerKey": "YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY",
"ConsumerSecret": "YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET",
"AccessToken": "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN",
- Load your credentials in MATLAB and instantiate a Twitty object:
credentials = loadjson('credentials.json');
twitterClient = twitty(credentials);
- With the Twitty object, you can now make calls to the Twitter API using the methods provided by the Twitty class.
Refer to the following MathWorks Documentation for detailed infromation
Hope it helps