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Simulation of a time-depending plate-vibration

4 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Christian Seidel
Christian Seidel am 11 Mär. 2022
Beantwortet: Vidip am 22 Jan. 2024
Hi everyone,
I would like to simulate a time-depending (transient) plate-vibration using the pde-Toolbox.
Therefore, I start creating the pde-equation with respect to the simulation time as a 2d-problem. Thus, I am using planestress.
tmodel = createpde('structural', transient-planestress);
The geometry is created by using decsg-command:
gdm = [3; 4; 0; 10; 10; 0; 0; 0; 10; 10];
g = decsg(gdm, 'S1', ('S1')');
geometryFromEdges(tmodel, g);
The BC are no problem, since I simply add some edges and vertices.
E = 200E9;
nu = 0.3;
rho = 8000;
structuralProperties(tmodel, 'YoungsModulus', E, ...
'PoissonsRatio', nu, ...
'MassDensity', rho);
mesh = generateMesh(tmodel);
structuralBC(tmodel, "Edge", 4, "Constraint", "fixed");
How do I apply a sinoidal force/load with a frequency of 10 Hz and an amplitude of 10, which is perpendicular to the surface? I only found force direction that is in the X-Y-Plane, but not right-angled to the surface.
structuralBoundaryLoad(tmodel, 'Vertex', 2, 'Force', [0, 10], 'Frequency', 10);
Followed by the IC
and the solution steps
ncycle = 50;
samplingFrequency = 60/T;
tlist = linspace(0, ncycle*T, ncycle*T*samplingFrequency);
I finally start and solve the calculation
R = solve(tmodel,tlist);
Therefore, I got two questions:
  1. How can one apply a perpendicular force to the surface?
  2. Is it possible to calculate the displacement of the plate in Z-direction, by using "planestress" or do I have to use "transient-solid" with a third dimension (and additional calculation time)?

Antworten (1)

Vidip am 22 Jan. 2024
In the context of the PDE Toolbox and structural mechanics problems, the "plane stress" assumption implies that the problem is essentially two-dimensional with no stresses in the third dimension (perpendicular to the plane). Therefore, the displacements are also considered only in the plane of the structure (X and Y directions), and out-of-plane forces are not directly applied in a "plane stress" simulation.
To simulate a plate vibration with out-of-plane (Z-direction) displacements and forces, you would need to use a 3D model. In MATLAB's PDE Toolbox, this would typically be a "transient-solid" model rather than "transient-planestress".
Also, if you have a face where you want to apply a pressure load normal to the surface, you would use the ‘structuralBoundaryLoad’ function and if the pressure load varies with time, you can define a function that describes this variation and pass it to ‘structuralBoundaryLoad’ function. For more detailed explanation you can follow the below documentation -

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