Simulating dependent normally distributed variables using copulas

3 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Alexandra am 10 Dez. 2014
Beantwortet: Tom Lane am 17 Dez. 2014
I created a model that simulates variables with kernel distributions connected by copula functions. (X and Y are series of ln returns)
It looks like this: kX = ksdensity(X,X,'function','cdf'); kY = ksdensity(Y,Y,'function','cdf'); [Rho,nu] = copulafit('t',[kX kY],'Method','ApproximateML'); r = copularnd('t',Rho,nu,100000); XX = r(:,1); YY = r(:,1); SX = ksdensity(X,XX,'function','icdf'); SY = ksdensity(Y,YY,'function','icdf'); SimX = a*exp(SX); SimY = b*exp(SY);
Now I wish to evaluate the results when modeling the variables as normally distributed. I can’t see what function can directly substitute ksdensity in the model. I was trying to do this with:
kX = normcdf(X); kY = normcdf(Y); [Rho,nu] = copulafit('t',[kX kY],'Method','ApproximateML'); r = copularnd('t',Rho,nu,100000); XX = r(:,1); YY = r(:,1); SX = norminv(X,XX); SY = norminv(Y,YY); SimX = a*exp(SX); SimY = b*exp(SY);
But is not working because norminv does not support the second argument with the copula function. I am seeing this right? What can I do?
Thank you very much,

Antworten (1)

Tom Lane
Tom Lane am 17 Dez. 2014
Consider formatting your question so the code is not wrapped into the text.
The syntax ksdensity(x,xx) computes a kernel density based on x, evaluated at xx. If you intend to use the standard normal distribution, I believe you want just norminv(xx) .

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