Determine amount of items in Dataset

10 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Cory Dinkle
Cory Dinkle am 18 Feb. 2022
Beantwortet: Cory Dinkle am 21 Apr. 2022
Hello, I am trying to write a simple script that removes all but the final "item" in a Dataset. Not sure if this would be called an element, so it's "item" in quotes. Attached is an image of a Dataset with 9+ of these items. When I try numel or size, I simply get "1". How do I find the number of items? Thanks in advance!

Akzeptierte Antwort

Cory Dinkle
Cory Dinkle am 21 Apr. 2022

Weitere Antworten (1)

Esha Chakraborty
Esha Chakraborty am 21 Feb. 2022
Hi Cory,
I understand that you are trying to find the number of elements in a dataset array, say A, and numel(A) returns 1. To find the number of elements, n, in the dataset array A, use prod(size(A)) or numel(A,':',':').
However, the MATLAB “table” data type is recommended to work with heterogenous data instead of the “dataset” data type.
You can refer to the documentation for “numel” here.
  1 Kommentar
Cory Dinkle
Cory Dinkle am 24 Feb. 2022
Bearbeitet: Cory Dinkle am 24 Feb. 2022
Hello Esha, thank you for the response. I am working with very large Simulink files and the option of using a table instead of a dataset is not available. The datasets are the "out.xFinal" of a simulation.
Also, this returns a value of "1", not the number of items within the Dataset. Please test your answer in a test case for verification first. I would recommend creating a simple simulation and looking at "out.xFinal" to see what I am referring to.

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