Help me understand!
1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
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Nour Butrus
am 14 Feb. 2022
Kommentiert: AndresVar
am 16 Feb. 2022
I am presented with a task of simulating the movement of three bodies with a constant mass using Newton's laws.
The task is very easy to follow and I have no trouble understanding it, until it comes to solving the differential equation using Runge-Kutta, where M is the mass of a body, is the second derivative of the position, namely, the acceleration and F is the force applied on M due to the two other masses.
Please refer to task number 3 below
Where equation 3 is I am finding it particularly difficult to understand why the right hand of the equation is a column consisten of what appears to be the velocity V for each body and the acceleration .
I would highly appreciate any guidance to the interpertation of the task!
2 Kommentare
Akzeptierte Antwort
am 14 Feb. 2022
Bearbeitet: AndresVar
am 16 Feb. 2022
Equation 3 is a 2nd order system p''=..., the RK3 is given for 1st order p'=...(see it's first difference ) =..)
See for example equation 14 here: part1.pdf (
you can see how order is reduced by introducing firts time derivatives (V's) as new variables
2 Kommentare
am 16 Feb. 2022
f = Y = RHS(t,X). The RHS you commented above looks good just make sure P1=X(1), V1=X(2)... etc as defined in task#1. You didn't say, but I guess velocity is constant?
% at t0
Y0 = RHS(t0,X0)
% one step later Y(t0+h)=Y1
Y1 = Y0 + 1/6(K1+4*K2+K3)
% two steps later Y(t0+2h)=Y2
Y2 = Y1 + 1/6(K1+4*K2+K3)
code repeats, so just turn it into a loop for N steps
h = 0.01;
t(1) = 0;
Y(1)=RHS(t0,X0) %initial
for ii = 1:N
t(ii+1) = t(ii)+h
K1 =...
K2 =...
K3 =...
Y(ii+1) = Y(ii)+1/6(K1+4*K2+K3);
plot the forces vs time to see if they behave nicely... if not then you can play with the step size h
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