If I have a 2000 x 130 matrix, how do I convert it to a 500 x 130 matrix by adding all four rows together by using Matlab loop

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)

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KSSV am 12 Jan. 2022
Bearbeitet: KSSV am 12 Jan. 2022
A = rand(2000,130) ;
[r,c] = size(A);
nlay = r/4;
B = permute(reshape(A',[c,r/nlay,nlay]),[2,1,3]);
iwant = reshape(sum(B),[],c) ;
  2 Kommentare
Haytham Ali
Haytham Ali am 12 Jan. 2022
@KSSV thank you
Can you tell me how to sum all 4 elements or rows
Since I want to calculate the average for each of the four elements by calculating their sum divided by their number
KSSV am 12 Jan. 2022
Sum is already included in the code.... To get the average just use mean. Read about this function.

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