welcom i need help

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
fatima ali
fatima ali am 11 Nov. 2014
Kommentiert: fatima ali am 11 Nov. 2014
i need code or function in matlab to convert color image to gray and convert gray to binary first employ Canny edge detection with binary thresholding on the original image to keep the most signicant edges only, which reliably represent foot contours.and next step morphological dilation using a square structuring element to close the boundary.Last, we employ morphological erosion on this image.....thanks

Akzeptierte Antwort

Image Analyst
Image Analyst am 11 Nov. 2014
What was wrong with the answer I gave you in your duplicate question? http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/160818#answer_157274
Why simply just ask again?
  3 Kommentare
Image Analyst
Image Analyst am 11 Nov. 2014
It found the boundary. Not sure why it matters how it was done. Sure you could use something that's not as good and then try a bunch of things to fix it up, but why, when there's a simpler and better way. I never would have looked at that image and said "Let's use edge detection."
fatima ali
fatima ali am 11 Nov. 2014
sure ...but i work Project to extraction feature from foot ... need this step to project .. 1-thershold no number like 0.5 i need Equation thershold run on all image 2- convert image binary and detection edge using canny 3- next step morphological dilation using a square structuring element to close the boundary.Last, we employ morphological erosion on this image can you help me....thank you very much

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Weitere Antworten (1)

jason am 11 Nov. 2014
close all;
img_file = 'put your image here';
img_wk = imread(img_file);
figure(1), imshow(img_wk);
img_wk_gs = rgb2gray(img_wk); %converts color image to grayscale
figure(2), imshow(img_wk_gs);
img_wk_gs_edge = edge(img_wk_gs,'canny');
figure(3), imshow(img_wk_gs_edge);
img_wk_gs_edge_sobel = edge(img_wk_gs,'sobel');
figure(4), imshow(img_wk_gs_edge_sobel);
img_wk_bw = im2bw(img_wk, 0.7); %converts to black and white binary image
figure(5), imshow(img_wk_bw);
  2 Kommentare
fatima ali
fatima ali am 11 Nov. 2014
thank you very much ....but i no need thershold no 0.7 i need Equation thershold ....in this program you no run dilation using a square structuring element to close the boundary.Last, we employ morphological erosion on this image.... thanks
jason am 11 Nov. 2014
You're welcome

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