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Can't load saved yoloV2 network in standalone Matlab app 2021a

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Ilia Vitsnudel
Ilia Vitsnudel am 30 Dez. 2021
Beantwortet: Steven Lord am 30 Dez. 2021
I have trained yoloV2 detector network and saved it (ver 2021a). I want to load it in a standalone Matlab app (generated in 2021a), but I am getting a warning and then error:
Warning: Variable 'detector' originally saved as a yolov2ObjectDetector cannot be instantiated as an object and will be read as a uint32
Error: Unrecognized function or variable 'detect'
I am able to load the network inside Matlab itself, but no in Matlab standalone app.
I am working in Matlab 2021a
When I was woring in 2020b everything was normal.
Thank you.

Antworten (1)

Steven Lord
Steven Lord am 30 Dez. 2021
See the Tip in the "Fixing Callback Problems: Missing Functions" section of this documentation page. Use the %#function pragma to tell MATLAB to include the class definition yolov2ObjectDetector in your application.


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