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Formatting Legend Entries Properly

4 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Michael am 24 Okt. 2014
Kommentiert: Michael am 24 Okt. 2014
Hello, I'm trying to add a legend entry with greek letter (mu & sigma) something like: "A - \sigma_A = 75 um" ... for ABCD. Below is my attempt. Thanks for your help. Truly, Michael
letter = {'A','B','C','D'}
legstr ={};
for box=1:4
% Find deviation, print string in Legend
str{box} = sprintf(... % aiming for: "A - \sigma_A = 75 um", "B - ..."
[letter{box},' - \Sigma_',letter{box},...
' = %.0f \mum'],stdDevData_um(box));
legstr = {legstr, str{box}}
$e$n$d; clear box
xlim([0.5 19.5]);
legend(phh, legstr,'location','best');

Akzeptierte Antwort

Robert Cumming
Robert Cumming am 24 Okt. 2014
When using sprintf you have to cancel the \ operator, to do this use a double \\
str{box} = sprintf(... % aiming for: "A - \sigma_A = 75 um", "B - ..."
[letter{box},' - \\Sigma_',letter{box},...
' = %.0f \mum'],stdDevData_um(box));
  1 Kommentar
Michael am 24 Okt. 2014
Thank you, I'm not sure how I missed that!

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