how to save the content of the current figure as an image?
131 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Ältere Kommentare anzeigen
Nisreen Sulayman
am 18 Sep. 2014
Kommentiert: Raviteja Vangara
am 12 Mai 2020
how to save the content(which is an image) of the current figure as an image?
I have about 30 figure ...
I want to use MATLAB commands to save them in for loop
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Akzeptierte Antwort
Mohammad Abouali
am 19 Sep. 2014
Bearbeitet: Mohammad Abouali
am 19 Sep. 2014
would also work.
or something like this
for i=1:30
% code to show image number i
saveas(gcf,['filename' num2str(i) '.png']);
if you don't like the border around it type:
before preparing your figure.
3 Kommentare
Mohammad Abouali
am 26 Sep. 2014
Bearbeitet: Mohammad Abouali
am 26 Sep. 2014
Cool image. What are these? blood stream?
Anyway, so you can use fullfile() command. Something like this should work
DirectoryPath ='C:\Mystorage\myImages';
whereToStore=fullfile(DirectoryPath,['filename' num2str(i) '.png']);
saveas(gcf, whereToStore);
If you wanna make it more fancy you can have the user select the folder through a GUI like this
DirectoryPath = uigetdir();
if DirectoryPath~=0
whereToStore=fullfile(DirectoryPath,['filename' num2str(i) '.png']);
saveas(gcf, whereToStore);
Weitere Antworten (3)
Francesco Ciriello
am 20 Nov. 2019
Save current figure
imwrite(getframe(gcf).cdata, 'myfilename.png')
Save current axis
imwrite(getframe(gca).cdata, 'myfilename.png')
1 Kommentar
Raviteja Vangara
am 12 Mai 2020
I think this deserves an upvote. I have an image with alpha data, and traditional saveas options wouldnt store alpha data in saved PNG file.
H = getframe(gca)
imwrite(H.cdata, 'myfilename.png')
This saves current figure as it appears on the window.
Image Analyst
am 18 Sep. 2014
Use imwrite() if you just want to save the image you display. If you want to save the axes or figure, use export_fig().
2 Kommentare
Image Analyst
am 19 Sep. 2014
Just use fullfile() when you construct the file name that you pass in to export_fig().
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