Data, which isn't missing, appears to be missing in surf plot

3 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Louise Wilson
Louise Wilson am 7 Okt. 2021
Kommentiert: Mathieu NOE am 25 Okt. 2021
Can anyone explain the gaps (white bars) which arise in my surf plot? The degree to which they appear changes depending on whether I plot the spectrogram as a full figure or a subplot... I would like to remedy this so there are no white bars in the subplot of the spectrogram.
set(gca,'tickdir','out','layer','top','fontname',... %change size of axes
ylim([50 2000]);
axis tight
grid off
set(gca,'YScale','log'); %set y-axis scale to logarithmic
datetick('x','keepticks'); %change x axis to readable time
ylabel('Frequency ( Hz )','fontsize',14);
  13 Kommentare
Louise Wilson
Louise Wilson am 19 Okt. 2021
Hi Mathieu, the aim was to have these spectrograms in a single plot. It looks like this maybe isn't possible. It is perhaps best to first of all calculate power spectral density of each individual file in 1Hz bins and then create an matrix where the first column is time (start time of each .wav) and the remaining columns are dB in 1Hz bins. Then you could plot multiple spectrograms with an informative x axis.
Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE am 25 Okt. 2021
Hello Louise
this is a result with all spectrograms in one plot - the data are separated by zeros just to avoid any misinterpretation of the plot
of course the wav files should be sampled at the same sampling freq - but even in a different scenario we can find a fix fr that
of course I still need to figure out how to make the x axis labelling working - that is still work ahead
code so far :
% %% read multiple files
% fileDir = pwd; % currrent directory
% fileNames = dir(fullfile(fileDir,'*.wav')); % get list of files in directory
% fileNames_sorted = natsortfiles({}); % sort file names into order (
% nFiles = numel(fileNames_sorted);
close all
% directory={'X:\SoundTrap\Boats\wav\Noises\LTSA test\LTSA test batch'}; %folder where wav files are
% folder=char(directory);
folder= pwd;
fullfnames=dir(fullfile(folder,'*.wav')); %list all .wavs in folder
%get fs of first (i.e. all) files in folder
[xbit,fs]=audioread(firstfile,[1 2]);
% thi=114.0;
thi=3.0; % for my demo
nlo=fs*tlo; %multiply fs by tlo to get starting point
nup=fs*thi; %do the same for end point
nfft=1024; % for my demo
% nfft=16384;
overlap=nfft/2; %50% overlap
% window=16384;
cal=power(10,cal/20); %calculate calibration value
P_all = [];
for iFile = 1:3 %nFiles
fullfname = fullfnames(iFile).name;
%format is xxxx.yyMMddHHmmss.cut.wav
% you'll have to set/get/extract start-time for each spectrogram
tStartstrings{iFile} = fname_st;% you'll have to set/get/extract start-time for each spectrogram
[xbit,fs]=audioread(fullfile(folder,fullfname), [nlo nup]); %read in wav
xbit=detrend(xbit); %remove DC offset
calxbit=xbit*cal; %apply calibration
%Perform FFT and plot:
[S,F,T,P] = spectrogram(calxbit,window,overlap,nfft,fs,'yaxis');
P_all = [P_all P zeros(length(F),25)]; % concatenate all P data with some blanks in between
T=fname_st+datenum(seconds(T)); %start time of .wav file + seconds of each chunk to produce informative x-axis
[a,samples] = size(P_all);
t = (0:samples-1)*1/fs;
h = pcolor(t,F,10*log10(P_all)); % Here you might want to add the start-time, t0, to T
ylabel('Frequency (Hz)');

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