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How can I change the name of my vector of each iteration?

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
Mariana am 11 Jul. 2014
Kommentiert: Mariana am 11 Jul. 2014
Hello everyone
I have this code that generates a vector (different length in each iteration). I called it SEC1 cause I thought I could find a way to make the 1 run with the i value, but I can't. What can I do?
Thanks for the help.
n = length(S);
for ii = 1:n;
a = M(ii,1);
b = M(ii,2);
SEC1 = unique(IdD(a:b));

Akzeptierte Antwort

David Sanchez
David Sanchez am 11 Jul. 2014
Use eval:
S = rand(3,1); % sample data to test the script
n = length(S);
for ii = 1:n;
a = M(ii,1);
b = M(ii,2);
array_name = sprintf('SEC%g = unique(IdD(a:b))',ii);
go to eval documentation for more information about the function
help eval
doc eval
  1 Kommentar
Mariana am 11 Jul. 2014
I was trying similar things for hours and couldn't make it work.
Thanks a lot!!

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