Using multiple CPU each with multicore, MATLAB only uses one of the CPUS

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Moh am 22 Jun. 2014
Kommentiert: Tyler Warner am 22 Mai 2018
I am trying to run a MATLAB code with a computer system that has two cpus and each have 12 cores. But when I use fft or fft2 command it only uses 50% of computing power, i.e. only one cpu or only 12 cores. When I use parallel processing toolbox similar thing is shown. When I use "matlabpool open" also it says 12 workers not 24 workers. How can I use the potential 24 cores that are in two cpus on my machine for vector operation or parallel processing in MATLAB? Any help or information is greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Moh.

Antworten (1)

Shashank Prasanna
Shashank Prasanna am 23 Jun. 2014
In MATLAB 2014a, there are no limits to how many workers you can use on a single machine, however it is recommended that you use number of workers = number of cores.
Sounds like you have two CPUs with 12 cores each - in this case where each cpu is a node, you may need to use MDCS that can talk to a scheduler to distribute jobs across multiple machines.
These differences are explained here:
  5 Kommentare
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 21 Mai 2018
Unfortunately that was the only question that Moh asked, so I do not know if Moh will respond to you, nearly 4 years later now.

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