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How to run Libor Masek code(creat​eiristempl​ate)?

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
Umme Tania
Umme Tania am 22 Nov. 2013
Kommentiert: monee am 30 Nov. 2018
% createiristemplate - generates a biometric template from an iris in % an eye image. % % Usage: % [template, mask] = createiristemplate(eyeimage_filename) % % Arguments: % eyeimage_filename - the file name of the eye image % % Output: % template - the binary iris biometric template % mask - the binary iris noise mask % % Author: % Libor Masek % % School of Computer Science & Software Engineering % The University of Western Australia % November 2003
function [template, mask] = createiristemplate(eyeimage_filename)
% path for writing diagnostic images global DIAGPATH DIAGPATH = 'diagnostics';
%normalisation parameters radial_res = 20; angular_res = 240; % with these settings a 9600 bit iris template is % created
%feature encoding parameters nscales=1; minWaveLength=18; mult=1; % not applicable if using nscales = 1 sigmaOnf=0.5;
eyeimage = imread(eyeimage_filename);
savefile = [eyeimage_filename,'-houghpara.mat']; [stat,mess]=fileattrib(savefile);
if stat == 1 % if this file has been processed before % then load the circle parameters and % noise information for that file. load(savefile);
% if this file has not been processed before
% then perform automatic segmentation and
% save the results to a file
[circleiris circlepupil imagewithnoise] = segmentiris(eyeimage);
imagewithnoise2 = uint8(imagewithnoise); imagewithcircles = uint8(eyeimage);
%get pixel coords for circle around iris [x,y] = circlecoords([circleiris(2),circleiris(1)],circleiris(3),size(eyeimage)); ind2 = sub2ind(size(eyeimage),double(y),double(x));
%get pixel coords for circle around pupil [xp,yp] = circlecoords([circlepupil(2),circlepupil(1)],circlepupil(3),size(eyeimage)); ind1 = sub2ind(size(eyeimage),double(yp),double(xp));
% Write noise regions imagewithnoise2(ind2) = 255; imagewithnoise2(ind1) = 255; % Write circles overlayed imagewithcircles(ind2) = 255; imagewithcircles(ind1) = 255; w = cd; cd(DIAGPATH); imwrite(imagewithnoise2,[eyeimage_filename,'-noise.jpg'],'jpg'); imwrite(imagewithcircles,[eyeimage_filename,'-segmented.jpg'],'jpg'); cd(w);
% perform normalisation
[polar_array noise_array] = normaliseiris(imagewithnoise, circleiris(2),... circleiris(1), circleiris(3), circlepupil(2), circlepupil(1), circlepupil(3),eyeimage_filename, radial_res, angular_res);
% WRITE NORMALISED PATTERN, AND NOISE PATTERN w = cd; cd(DIAGPATH); imwrite(polar_array,[eyeimage_filename,'-polar.jpg'],'jpg'); imwrite(noise_array,[eyeimage_filename,'-polarnoise.jpg'],'jpg'); cd(w);
% perform feature encoding [template mask] = encode(polar_array, noise_array, nscales, minWaveLength, mult, sigmaOnf);
  2 Kommentare
Image Analyst
Image Analyst am 22 Nov. 2013
Click the green triangle?
Umme Tania
Umme Tania am 25 Nov. 2013
I want to know about function parameter.

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Antworten (2)

Sadia sultana turna
Sadia sultana turna am 26 Nov. 2013
Bearbeitet: Sadia sultana turna am 26 Nov. 2013
i don't have clear idea about the parameters. i am still looking for proper explanation.
but if u are concerned about running 'createiristemplate' , make sure u have some other function files and the image to be processed in the same matlab directory.
other files i had in my directory were:
addcircle adjgamma canny circlecords createiristemplate encode findcircle findline gaborconvolve gethammingdistance houghcircle hysthresh linecords nonmaxup normaliseiris segmentiris shiftbits
presence of all these eased processing of a '.bmp' format image and creating an iris template. why is that, well i am working on that. let me know if u get to know about explanation of stages of 'createiristemplate' ... :)
  2 Kommentare
Umme Tania
Umme Tania am 27 Nov. 2013
>> [template, mask] = createiristemplate('aeval1.bmp');
??? Undefined function or method 'conv2' for input arguments of type 'double' and attributes 'full 3d real'.
Error in ==> filter2 at 73 y = conv2(hcol, hrow, x, shape);
Error in ==> canny at 40 im = filter2(gaussian,im); % Smoothed image.
Error in ==> findcircle at 43 [I2 or] = canny(image, sigma, scaling, vert, horz);
Error in ==> segmentiris at 50 [row, col, r] = findcircle(eyeimage, lirisradius, uirisradius, scaling, 2, 0.20, 0.19, 1.00, 0.00);
Error in ==> createiristemplate at 56 [circleiris circlepupil imagewithnoise] = segmentiris(eyeimage);
Ammar Malik
Ammar Malik am 29 Nov. 2013
Umme Tania I was also having the same problem but found out that actually the image I was using was not a 2D image. So, first you have to convert your image to grayscale 2D image using rgb2gray command. After this your problem will be solved insha-ALLAH :)

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Ammar Malik
Ammar Malik am 29 Nov. 2013
Umme Tania I was also having the same problem but found out that actually the image I was using was not a 2D image. So, first you have to convert your image to grayscale 2D image using rgb2gray command. After this your problem will be solved insha-ALLAH :)
  2 Kommentare
Umme Tania
Umme Tania am 2 Dez. 2013
Hey still having problem..... ??? Error using ==> iptcheckinput Function IMRESIZE expected its first input, A, to be nonempty.
Error in ==> imresize>parsePreMethodArgs at 358 iptcheckinput(A, {'numeric', 'logical'}, {'nonsparse', 'nonempty'}, mfilename, 'A', 1);
Error in ==> imresize>parseInputs at 263 [params.A,, params.scale, params.output_size] = ...
Error in ==> imresize at 140 params = parseInputs(varargin{:});
Error in ==> canny at 42 im = imresize(im, scaling);
Error in ==> findline at 23 [I2 or] = canny(image, 2, 1, 0.00, 1.00);
Error in ==> segmentiris at 106 lines = findline(topeyelid);
Error in ==> createiristemplate at 57 [circleiris circlepupil imagewithnoise] = segmentiris(eyeimage);
monee am 30 Nov. 2018
umm tania i have the same problem can u help me??plz

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