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Matlab (R2012b) on windows 7 closing itself while running scripts

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
eduardo Schenberg
eduardo Schenberg am 20 Nov. 2013
My matlab has been closing during processing of some scripts. No error displayed, nothing. It is just a large sequence of computing in files of the same size. It runs some of them, and without terminating the for loop it closes itself. Usually occurs during the night, when I wake up it is closed as if I had not let it running.
Please help!

Antworten (2)

Simon am 20 Nov. 2013
In your scripts do you use "exit"? This terminates matlab. If you only want to exit a matlab script or function you need to write "return".
  1 Kommentar
eduardo Schenberg
eduardo Schenberg am 20 Nov. 2013
Tks for the answer, but no, I do not use exit. It does not seem to be something wrong in the script, because it does not terminate always at the same point!

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David Sanchez
David Sanchez am 20 Nov. 2013
It looks like you are running of of memory. Did you try to reduce the number of files you work with? Start by analysing just a few files and observe the behaviour of your system. If matlab does not shut down analysing a single (or a few: 5/10) file, keep increasing the number of files to analyse. It could be one of your files saturates the system.
  1 Kommentar
eduardo Schenberg
eduardo Schenberg am 21 Nov. 2013
Not sure about this. I make just one file at a time, in a good computer used for nothing else than matlab computing. I had problems in files for which in a second trial it just run OK. And when there are memory issues matlab gives error messages, but do not closes itself, right??

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