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Find world points that correspond to point tracks

Since R2020b


pointIndices = findWorldPointsInTracks(wpSet,tracks) finds the indices, pointIndices, of world points that correspond to the specified point tracks tracks.Use this syntax if you added points using the addWorldPoints function without specifying unique point identifiers pointIds.


[pointIndices,validIndex] = findWorldPointsInTracks(wpSet,tracks) additionally returns a vector that indicates whether each point track has a corresponding world point. Use this syntax if you added points using the addWorldPoints function without specifying unique point identifiers pointIds.

pointIds = findWorldPointsInTracks(wpSet,tracks) finds the point identifiers, pointIds, of world points that correspond to the specified point tracks tracks. Use this syntax if you added points using the addWorldPoints function by specifying unique point identifiers pointIds.

[pointIds,validIndex] = findWorldPointsInTracks(wpSet,tracks) additionally returns a vector that indicates whether each point track has a corresponding world point. Use this syntax if you added points using the addWorldPoints function by specifying unique point identifiers pointIds.


collapse all

Load precomputed world point set and image view set.

data = load(fullfile(toolboxdir('vision'),'visiondata','worldpointsetAndTracks.mat'));

Find point tracks across views.

tracks = findTracks(data.vSet);

Find 3-D world points corresponding to point tracks.

pointIndices = findWorldPointsInTracks(data.wpSet,tracks);

Input Arguments

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World point set, specified as a worldpointset object.

Point tracks, specified as an M-element row vector of pointTrack objects.

Output Arguments

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World point indices, specified as a scalar or an N-element vector of integers. This input is valid when sequential indices are used for the points in the wpSet object.

Table showing poinIndices as sequential and pointIds with uniquely set indexes.

World point identifiers, specified as an M-element vector of integers. M is the number of world points. This input is valid when points were added using addWorldPoints.

Table showing poinIndices as sequential and pointIds with uniquely set indexes.

Logical index of point track correspondences, returned as an M-element logical vector. M is the number of point tracks in the tracks argument. A value of 1 (true) indicates that the associated point track has a corresponding world point, and a value of 0 (false) indicates that it does not.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2020b

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