General Circuits
Commonly used integrated circuits, such as operational amplifiers,
comparators, timers
Model multi-state integrated circuits, such as amplifiers, oscillators, timers, and counters.
Simscape Blocks
Band-Limited Op-Amp | Model band-limited operational amplifier |
Comparator | Behavioral model of a comparator integrated circuit |
Controlled PWM Voltage | Pulse-width modulated voltage source |
Finite-Gain Op-Amp | Gain-limited operational amplifier model with optional noise |
Fully Differential Op-Amp | Operational amplifier with fully differential output, that is, not referenced to ground |
Multiplier | Integrated circuit multiplier |
Operational Transconductance Amplifier | Behavioral representation of operational transconductance amplifier |
Push-Pull Output | Behavioral representation of CMOS complementary output stage |
Timer | Behavioral model of a timer integrated circuit |
Voltage-Controlled Oscillator | Behavioral model of voltage-controlled oscillator |
- Parameterizing Blocks from Datasheets
Overview of techniques used to specify block parameters to match the data from manufacturer datasheets.
- Parameterize an Op-Amp from a Datasheet
Specify block parameters for an operational amplifier to match the data from manufacturer datasheets.