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SoC Bus Creator

Convert control signals to bus

  • SoC Bus Creator block

SoC Blockset / Hardware Logic Connectivity


The SoC Bus Creator block combines a set of signals into a bus. The block accepts control signals and outputs a bus.

You can configure this block to support multiple protocol interface types. Parameter and port configurations for this block vary based on your desired protocol interface type and mode of operation, as outlined in this table.

Protocol Interface TypeMode of OperationParameter ConfigurationEnabled Input Ports
Data streamRead data stream

Set Control protocol to Data stream and Control type to Ready.

Write data stream

Set Control protocol to Data stream and Control type to Valid.

Pixel streamRead video stream

Set Control protocol to Pixel stream and Control type to Ready.

Write video stream

Set Control protocol to Pixel stream and Control type to Valid.

Read video stream with frame sync

Set Control protocol to Pixel stream and Control type to Ready frame with sync.

Random access readRead data

Set Control protocol to Random access read and Control type to Ready.

Random access writeWrite data

Set Control protocol to Random access write and Control type to Valid.





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Valid control signal, specified as a scalar. You can use this port for data stream and pixel stream protocols only.


To enable this port, set the Control protocol parameter to either Data stream or Pixel stream and the Control type parameter to Valid.

Data Types: Boolean

Indication of end of the data packet, specified as a Boolean scalar.


To enable this port, set the Control protocol parameter to Data stream and the Control type parameter to Valid.

Data Types: Boolean

Ready control signal, specified as a Boolean scalar. This port is available for Data stream and Pixel stream control protocols.


To enable this port, set the Control protocol parameter to either Data stream or Pixel stream and the Control type parameter to Ready or Ready with frame sync.

Data Types: Boolean

First pixel in a horizontal line of a frame, specified as a Boolean scalar.


To enable this port, set the Control protocol parameter to Pixel stream and the Control type parameter to Valid.

Data Types: Boolean

Last pixel in a horizontal line of a frame, specified as a Boolean scalar.


To enable this port, set the Control protocol parameter to Pixel stream and the Control type parameter to Valid.

Data Types: Boolean

First pixel in the first (top) line of a frame, specified as a Boolean scalar.


To enable this port, set the Control protocol parameter to Pixel stream and the Control type parameter to Valid.

Data Types: Boolean

Last pixel in the last (bottom) line of a frame, specified as a Boolean scalar.


To enable this port, set the Control protocol parameter to Pixel stream and the Control type parameter to Valid.

Data Types: Boolean

Frame synchronization, specified as a Boolean scalar.


To enable this port, set the Control protocol parameter to Pixel stream and the Control type parameter to Ready with frame sync.

Data Types: Boolean

Reader address, specified as a scalar. It is the starting address for the read transaction that is sampled at the first cycle of the transaction.


To enable this port, set the Control protocol parameter to Random access read.

Data Types: uint32

Reader data length, specified as a scalar. It means the number of data values that you want to read, sampled at the first cycle of the transaction.


To enable this port, set the Control protocol parameter to Random access read.

Data Types: uint32

Reader valid status, specified as a Boolean scalar. It indicates whether the read request is valid.


To enable this port, set the Control protocol parameter to Random access read.

Data Types: Boolean

Reader ready status, specified as a Boolean scalar. It indicates when the hardware logic can start accepting data.


To enable this port, set the Control protocol parameter to Random access read.

Data Types: Boolean

Specify the starting address to which the hardware writes.


To enable this port, set the Control protocol parameter to Random access write.

Data Types: uint32

Specify the number of data elements in the write transaction.


To enable this port, set the Control protocol parameter to Random access write.

Data Types: uint32

Writer valid data, specified as a scalar. It indicates the data signal sampled at the output is valid.


To enable this port, set the Control protocol parameter to Random access write.

Data Types: Boolean


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Output control bus, returned as a bus.

The data type of the output control bus depends on the values of the Control protocol and Control type parameters.

Parameter ConfigurationOutput Data Type

Set Control protocol to Data stream and Control type to Ready.


Set Control protocol to Data stream and Control type to Valid.


Set Control protocol to Pixel stream and Control type to Ready.


Set Control protocol to Pixel stream and Control type to Valid.


Set Control protocol to Pixel stream and Control type to Ready frame with sync.


Set Control protocol to Random access read and Control type to Ready.


Set Control protocol to Random access write and Control type to Valid.


Data Types: StreamS2MBusObj | StreamM2SBusObj | StreamVideoS2MBusObj | pixelcontrol | StreamvideoFsyncS2MBusObj | ReadControlM2SBusObj | WriteControlM2SBusObj


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Specify the protocol interface as one of these values:

  • Data stream — Use this protocol if you require AXI4 data stream.

  • Pixel stream — Use this protocol if you require AXI4 video stream.

  • Random access read — Use this protocol if you require AXI4 read.

  • Random access write — Use this protocol if you require AXI4 write.

The input ports of the block vary based on the type of Control protocol and Control type that you select. For more details, see Description.

Specify the type of control.

To enable the Ready with frame sync option, set the Control protocol parameter to Pixel stream.

The input ports of the block vary based on the type of Control protocol and Control type that you select. For more details, see Description.

Extended Capabilities

Fixed-Point Conversion
Design and simulate fixed-point systems using Fixed-Point Designer™.

Version History

Introduced in R2019a