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Check Out SVN Repository

Create a new local copy of a project by retrieving files from SVN source control.

  1. On the MATLAB® Home tab, select New > Project > From SVN.

    Alternatively, on the Simulink® start page, click the Project from SVN template.

  2. If you know your repository location, enter it into the Repository path field and proceed to step 3.

    Otherwise, to browse for and validate the repository path from which to retrieve files, click Change.

    1. In the Specify SVN Repository URL dialog box, enter a URL using the list of recent repositories or the Repository button .


      Use file:// URLs only for single-user repositories. For more information, see Share a Subversion Repository.

    2. Click Validate to check the repository path.

      If an authentication dialog box for your repository appears, enter the login information to continue.

    3. If the path is invalid, check the URL against your source control repository browser.

      If necessary, select a deeper folder in the repository tree. If your repository contains tagged versions of files, then you might want to check out from trunk or from a branch folder under tags. For more information, see Tag and Retrieve Versions of Project Files. You can check out from a branch, but the built-in SVN integration does not support branch merging. Use an external tool such as TortoiseSVN to perform branch merging.

    4. When you have finished specifying the URL path you want to retrieve, click OK.

  3. In the New Project From Source Control dialog box, in the Sandbox field, select the working folder where you want to put the retrieved files for your new project.

  4. Click Retrieve.

    If an authentication dialog box for your repository appears, enter the login information to continue.


    Use local sandbox folders. Using a network folder with SVN slows source control operations.

    If your repository already contains a project, then the project is ready when the tool finishes retrieving files to your selected sandbox folder.

    If your sandbox does not yet contain a project, then a dialog box asks whether you want to create a project in the folder. To create a project, specify a project name and click OK. The Welcome screen appears to help you set up your new project. For more information about setting up a project, see Create a New Project from a Folder.


To update an existing project sandbox from source control, see Update Revisions of Project Files.

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